Neighbourhood Plan - Pre-Submission Consultation
Since the end of 2022, the Parish Council has been preparing a neighbourhood plan for Witcham with the help of volunteers and professional support.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
A neighbourhood plan is a community-led document for guiding decisions that need planning permission. Once complete it will become part of the legal planning framework for the area, sitting alongside the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan and used when planning applications are decided.
The Neighbourhood Plan covers the following key themes:
• Spatial Strategy
• Housing
• Natural Environment
• Historic and Built Environment
• Facilities and Services
• Highways and Travel
Whether the Plan is approved will ultimately be decided at a Parish Referendum when, if a majority of residents that vote agree with the Plan, East Cambridgeshire District Council will be required to adopt it.
Pre-Submission Consultation on Draft Neighbourhood Plan
We’ve now reached a major milestone and are consulting widely on the Draft Plan until Monday 10 February 2025. You now have the opportunity to say whether or not you support the content of the Plan or would like to see some changes and so influence planning and development policy for Witcham for the coming years.
We have distributed a summary leaflet to every household and known business in the Parish and the Plan itself can be downloaded below.
If you don’t have access to the internet, paper copies of the Plan will be available to borrow for a short time from the following addresses:
17 The Slade; 11 Silver Street; and The Old School, 30A High Street
We would welcome your comments. These can be submitted online or by completing the form below and returning it as instructed on the form. Comments must be received by midnight on Monday 10 February 2025
We want your comments, even if you support everything in the Plan!
Supporting Documents
In addition to the Plan itself, there are a number of supporting documents referred to in the Plan. These can be found below:
Witcham DesignGuidance and Codes
WitchamAssessment of Important Views
Witcham Autumn2023 Survey: Results Booklet
Once the consultation ends, all comments received will be reviewed and the Plan will be amended as necessary. It will then be submitted to East Cambridgeshire District Council who will carry out a second round of consultation before the Plan is assessed by an Independent Examiner. The Examiner will decide what changes are required to meet the national neighbourhood planning requirements and recommend that the Plan is subject to a Parish Referendum open to all on the Electoral Register. There is no minimum turnout for the Referendum and a simple majority in favour of the Plan will mean that it can be used by East Cambridgeshire District Council when making decisions on planning applications.
Bonfires !!
Avoid being a bonfire bandit this autumn
As the darker nights draw in, East Cambridgeshire District Council is advising residents to avoid being a bonfire bandit this autumn.
While bonfires are often considered a welcome opportunity to get rid of garden waste there is lots to consider before striking a match.
Check for hedgehogs
This time of year, hedgehogs are looking for safe places to hibernate and piled up garden rubbish can provide the ideal nesting place. Always remember to check bonfires before setting fire to them. Consider providing a dedicated hedgehog house in your garden, which offers safe nesting accommodation.
Pull out pallets
It may be tempting to stack up piles of unwanted wooden pallets on your bonfire, but many contain preservatives that mean burning them pollutes the environment. Disposal of them is also regarded as commercial waste, which requires a proper licence to dispose of.
To burn pallets legally you need to ensure you have prior permission from the Environment Agency.
Avoid oil-based products
Oil-based wastes, such as tyres, plastics, furnishings and polystyrene should not be burned under any circumstances, as these are harmful to the environment. You should also avoid dangerous items such as aerosol cans, paint tins and batteries.
Don’t fuel the risk of a fire
Bonfires can easily get out of hand, particularly during windy weather. Advice from Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service is to think twice about having a bonfire. If you do decide to go ahead they advise you to build them well away from fences, hedges and sheds.
Never use flammable liquids to start a fire.
You should also never leave a bonfire unattended and always keep a bucket of water or a hosepipe nearby in case of fire.
Don’t smoke out the neighbours
Burning damp vegetation can cause thick smoke, which can cause a nuisance for neighbours.
The council provides a green bin collection service which allows you to dispose of garden waste without the need for burning.
Composting is a natural alternative to burning which reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and is a cost-effective way of improving your soil fertility. Visit our composting web page for further advice
Alternatively, visit an organised display that should have taken all the above precautions in advance.
More information about bonfires is available on our website.
2025/7 Grasscutting and Grounds Maintenance
Quotations for grasscutting and grounds maintenance sought
Expressions of Interest welcomed
see attached
Local Highway Works
Cambridgeshire County Council has announced Capital Maintenance Programme 2024/25.
Check out proposals for works for roads, paths, drains, bridges, signals
Capital maintenance programme | Cambridgeshire County Council
Footway works on The Slade were completed on 9 September.
Of note, anyone travelling to St Ives/Huntingdon/Willingham - works are scheduled on the B1381 Sutton to Earith road on 6 January 2025. 10 Weeks. 8am to 6pm. Road closed day and night and may include weekends. Road signs confirming details will be erected nearer the time
Bus Franchising Consultation 2024
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority seek your views on the future of our bus services.
Please take this opportunity to make your voice heard - see notice attached
CCC Active Travel Strategy Consultation
Want to see improvements for our roads, paths, rights of way?
This is your opportunity to give your views
please get your comments in now.....
The Active Travel
Hierarchy looks to introduce a way of prioritising maintenance activities
to better reflect the use of the highway network by walkers, cyclists and other
non-motorised traffic. This will support the Council’s Active Travel Strategy
and its ambition to make walking or cycling the natural choice for shorter
journeys, in turn helping to reduce road traffic congestion, improve journey
times, and contributing to carbon reduction in the County.
We would like to invite your feedback on the proposals, so that we can better understand which active travel routes and public rights of way are considered important by our communities, and what maintenance activities stakeholders might like us to prioritise.
Launched by the Highways & Transport service at Cambridgeshire County Council. This follows proposals for a consultation which were presented to the Council's Highways & Transport Committee in January 2024. The consultation seeks input regarding proposals for an 'Active Travel Hierarchy'.
This is a public consultation that is being promoted on the County Council's social media channels to encourage wide participating, that they may gauge residents’ views.
The consultation has been extended to 30 September 2024 Please get your responses in now.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Copy of Neighbourhood Plan Working Group - Survey and the Design Code
CPCA Concessionary Bus Passes
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority - advert - encourage use of concessionary bus pass
2023/4 County and District Councillors Annual Reports
Annual Reports - Witcham APM 15 May 2024
Annual Parish Meeting
at Witcham Village Hall on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 7.30pm
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting of 28 April 2023
- Matters Arising
- Reports from County Councillor and District Councillors
- To explore and discuss alternative options for annual Best Kept Gardens event
- Annual Report of Parish Council, including 2023/4 Annual Accounts and 2024/5 Precept
- To receive reports from the village clubs/charities/organisations on their activities and financial position for the year
- To receive update from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
- To receive update on Speedwatch
- Any Other Parish Business
Recreation Ground - Cricket 2024
Witcham Recreation Ground
City of Ely Cricket Club 3rd X1 team will be playing matches this year at the recreation ground on the following days:
11 May
18 May (to be confirmed)
8 June
15 June
20 July (to be confirmed)
3 August
31 August
Witcham Play and Exercise Facilities
Opened - new play and exercise facilities
Play and Outdoor Fitness Installation
Witcham Play Project Phase 2
Works commencing for 1 week from Tuesday 2nd April 2024
Area closed to the public
see attached
Play Park Opening and Easter Events 24 March 2024
Play Park Opening and events at recreation ground
Sunday 24 March 2024
Click for details
Official Opening of Play Park (Phase 1)
Sunday 24 March 2024, at 2pm
Make a note on your calendar. Further details to follow
Further details to follow. See also noticeboards at the Village Crossroads
Help with Independent Living
Cambridgeshire Guide to Independent Living | Care Choices
Take a look through the Guide
Love Your Street & Lorry Artwork Competition
ECDC - Love Your Street, and Lorry Artwork for children
Sutton Fire Station Consultation
Consultation Meeting Tuesday 5 March, 7.30pm at The Glebe (behind St Andrews Church, High Street) Sutton Proposed Closure of Sutton Fire Station
Be Winterwise
#BeWinterWise #ColdWeatherAlert #Cambridgeshire
Don’t forget to look out for anyone close to you who might struggle with the drop in temperature.
Find out more about how to keep yourself and those you care for warm and safe by clickinghere:
#BeWinterWise #ColdWeatherAlert #Cambridgeshire
Cambridgeshire Arts - The Library Presents
Make your voice heard and help choose events for this year's programmes - respond to survey at your local library or on line from 11 January to 9 February. See attached
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Applications are invited to fill Parish Councillor Vacancy by Co-option
See attached details and how to apply
Xmas/New Year Parish Council Newsletter attached
Further update on Phase 1 Play project - Wicksteed are on site this week replacing fence and gates, and surfacing area for train. Final safety report expected soon so that it an be opened before Christmas, with an official opening event planned in few weeks. Wicksteed and the Parish Council take this opportunity to thank our residents for their patience in this matter. With our good wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year
Parish Clerk
Cambs County Council - Be Winter Wise Campaign
Helping Cambridgeshire residents with information and advice throughout the winter, the County Council has launched it's "Be Winter Wise" campaign.
It’s aim is
to draw together a range of services, activities and offers, keeping
communities across Cambridgeshire informed and prepared to stay safe and
healthy during the winter months of 2023/24. And to support partners by
signposting to services that they offer.
“Our council delivers a whole range of services which help and support residents throughout the year, but the need for this help often becomes even more acute as we head towards darker and colder months, “ said Council Leader Cllr Lucy Nethsingha.
“This year we are linking together everything from winter gritting, road safety activities, falls prevention, flu vaccination support, our household support fund – to help people with urgent expenses, or issuing vouchers to every child eligible for free school meals in the half term and Christmas holidays, under our single ‘Be Winter Wise’ banner – with Olly the Owl used as a helpful identifying motif.
“We’ll also be signposting to information from our partner organisations who provide essential winter support activities. And will continue our promotion of low or no cost winter activities for residents to support mental and physical health – which has been very successful over the summer.”
The County Council’s recent quality of life survey results which will be discussed at next week’s Strategy, Resource and Performance Committee showed that Cambridgeshire residents reported higher than average levels of loneliness, an issue particularly acute amongst younger people who also reported increased issues around their mental health. It also showed the effects that the cost of living is having on most residents, with many looking for more avenues for help and advice.
So, among activities already planned to be highlighted in the Be Winter Wise campaign are -
- Work being carried out on the county’s road network – including gritting, gulley and drain clearage, getting ahead of expected impacts of bad weather
- Road safety activities and advice - encouraging pedestrians, cyclists and motorists to wear reflective clothing, check lights and brakes and always travel according to road conditions
- Information to help residents stay warm and well through the colder months – with an emphasis on activities to reduce loneliness and support mental as well as physical health
- Further work to promote the council’s household support fund, open to eligible residents who are most affected by the cost of living crisis
- Supporting NHS colleagues by promoting flu, COVID and MMR jabs to eligible groups.
This proposal builds on the approach taken by the Council during its eight week ‘Get Activated’ campaign over the summer which promoted low or no cost activities for families and children, reaching 93,000 people and showing an increased uptake of the activities promoted.
Lucy Nethsingha added: “The #BeWinterWise campaign continues our vision to make Cambridgeshire a greener, fairer and more caring place. I also want to praise our outstanding, highly motivated and compassionate staff in the council and amongst our partners who go the extra mile every winter whatever the conditions, to keep residents safe and are there ready to help when people face a crisis.”
You can follow the campaign by searching on your socials for #BeWinterWise
Play Park update from Wicksteed 8.12.23
LATEST Wicksteed plan to be on site finishing works week commencing Monday 11 December 2023
Once we have the all-clear we will advise about opening the facility. See village noticeboards and on site for updates.
Update from Wicksteed on re-opening Play Park Phase 1 30.11.23
Play Park Closed
The new play park is proceeding well and you will have noticed that the contractors installing the new play park equipment have removed their fencing. Unfortunately, this was a little hasty as there are some snagging issues that need resolving with some of the equipment and a clear safety report signed off BEFORE the equipment is handed over to the Parish Council and play park can be used.
The gates have therefore been locked shut to prevent it being used. Hopefully, the issues will be resolved quickly. The Parish Council hope to hold an opening event as soon as possible after the works have been completed. Updates will continue to be posted up, including on site and village noticeboard at crossroads.
We are grateful for your patience and please do keep children off of the equipment until the park is opened.
Witcham Parish Council
Next meeting Tuesday 28 November 2023 Witcham Village Hall 7.45pm
Residents welcome.
See noticeboards at centre of village for updates
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - October meeting
Tues 24 October 2023 - 7.30pm, Village Hall - Next meeting of Witcham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group - residents welcome to attend for next updates
new play park is proceeding well and you will have noticed that the contractors
installing the new play park equipment have removed their fencing.
Unfortunately, this was a little hasty as there are some snagging issues that
need resolving with some of the equipment and a clear safety report signed off
BEFORE the equipment is handed over to the Parish Council and play park can be
The gates have therefore been locked shut to prevent it being used. Hopefully, the issues will be resolved quickly and the parish council plan to hold an opening event as soon as is possible.
Further updates will continue to be posted up, including on site and village noticeboard at crossroads.
Many thanks for your patience and please do keep children off of the equipment until the park is opened.
Witcham Parish Council
Neighbourhood Plan update
Last days to complete the survey !
Cambridgeshire County Council has
launched an online fall risk checking tool to help you understand your risk of
falling and simple steps you can take to stay active and independent.
From the age of 65, the risk of having a fall increases but many are avoidable. The new tool, Steady on your Feet, is aimed at those who haven’t previously had a fall but would like to understand what they can do to prevent this happening.
Steady on Your Feet is easy to use, asking a short series of questions to help understand any individual risks you might have and providing an action plan to keep you active and independent while increasing your confidence and reducing the risk of falling. You can fill it in yourself, or ask a family member or friend if you need extra help.
Suggested steps to prevent a fall might include arranging an eye or hearing test, increasing your activity levels and eating a balanced diet, or even looking after your feet and making sure you wear supportive footwear with non-slip soles.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Countdown......Have you done the village survey
Please complete and submit by Monday 16 October...
Parish Council Meeting Agenda 11 October 2023
Members are summoned to attend a Meeting of the
Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 11 October 2023
at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Witcham,
for the purpose of transacting the following business:
23/142 |
To receive and accept any apologies for absence |
23/143 |
To receive declarations of interest from Councillors in respect of any items on this agenda in accordance with the Code of Conduct i) Pecuniary interests ii) Personal interests iii) Prejudicial interests (and to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter during public participation). |
23/144 |
Dispensations: To note new Dispensations granted: Nil |
23/145 |
To receive and note the October monthly reports from County and District Councillors |
23/146 |
Public Participation To allow up to 15 minutes for any members of the public, and Councillors declaring the existence and nature of a prejudicial interest, to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting. At the close of this item, members of the public will no longer be permitted to address the Council unless invited to do so by the Chairman. (3 minutes each to combined maximum of 15 minutes total for this agenda item (Standing Orders 3f) and 3g)) Chairman to close meeting to public |
23/147 |
To approve and sign the minutes of the 27 September 2023 and confirm agenda |
23/148 |
Matters arising from previous minutes (for information only) |
23/149 |
Finance and General Administration a) To approve donation to Royal British Legion for wreath for Remembrance Sunday b) To approve receipts and payments for October 2023 (to follow) c) To receive and approve quarterly reconciliations and budget to 30 September 2023 (to follow) d) To review savings accounts (to follow)
23/150 |
Co-Option of Councillor a) To receive and discuss applications for Parish Councillor vacancy (to follow) b) To consider applications for filling vacancy by co-option. |
23/151 |
Recreation Ground/Bus Shelter and Cemetery Matters a) To receive monthly report on weekly inspections of play equipment and recreation ground (MH) b) To receive update following meeting with ECDC Tree Officer (MH/Clerk) c) To receive request from Ely City Cricket for use of recreation ground for 2024 season (Clerk) d) To receive update from Play Working Party on progress with installation of phase 1 (LH/KM/MH), including i) Release dates of funds to be discussed and approved ii) Timing and arrangements for opening of phase 1 of the project iii) Signage - content and size etc iv) Refurbishment of existing fencing, eg powder coating v) To discuss any other arrangements for finalising project e) To receive any update on progress of grant application for phase 2 of play project f) Consider review of Cemetery Fees and Rules (circulated) |
23/152 |
Planning Applications To note the following: 23/01000/TRE 2A The Slade T1 Row of Conifers - Trim back sides to leave approximately 1m overhang with green foliage over gravel access adjacent to property and reduce height down by approximately 5 metres. T2 Goat Willow - Cut back large low right hand limb growing towards 2a by approximately 4 metres. (Tree needs to be viewed from back garden). |
23/153 |
a) To receive and consider any updates from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group since September meeting. b) To receive any update from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Lead and Consultant for consideration and discussion in respect of application for further Locality funding for next stage of Neighbourhood Plan (to follow) |
23/154 |
Highway and Street Lighting Matters a) To note any items reported to Highways Authority b) To receive September speed data (MH) c) To receive and discuss response from Mepal Parish Council regarding resident’s requests for reducing Mepal Road / Witcham Road 60MPH Speed limit (circulated) |
23/155 |
Bury Road Management Plan for Trees and Shrubs To receive and consider correspondence regarding Parish Council support to renew the Plan from landowner (circulated) |
23/156 |
Consultations (circulated) a) ECDC Licensing Committee: Amendments to current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy b) CCC Local Highways stakeholders survey – roads and streetlighting c) ECDC Polling District Review |
23/157 |
Correspondence (circulated) To receive and consider the following items of information/interest and invites: CAPALC training, Councillor, inspections, planning, CIL etc NHS Priors Field Surgery Sutton update – contract extended to March 2025 Greater Cambridge Partnership – Making Connections – Congestion Charge ECDC Rough Sleeper estimate 23/24 November 2023 NALC Bulletins, Newsletters and Events ECDC press releases CAPALC Bulletin TTRO 23-1298 Long Causeway, Coveney |
23/158 |
Date of next meeting: 8 November 2023 Note any items for next agenda To Review Actions |
S J Bell
4 October 2023
Applications for Dispensations must be submitted to the Clerk on the application form at least 4 days prior to the meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and there is provision for public participation. Details may be obtained from the Clerk or Chairman prior to commencement of the meeting.
If the Council wishes to exclude the public and press from the meeting a resolution in the following terms will be passed:
“It is hereby resolved in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the ( special ) ( confidential ) nature of the business about to be transacted at Agenda Item ( No ) namely ( state subject listed ) it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded from this meeting and they are herewith instructed to withdraw. ( Mr/Mrs/Cllr ………….. ) to be invited to remain.” (as applicable)
Code of Conduct para 12(2) ‘If a Councillor with a prejudicial interest wishes to speak on an agenda item then that interest and intention must be stated immediately after the first item of the Agenda. The public will be allowed a maximum of six speakers who may provide information for up to three minutes only and each person may only speak once. The Chairman will look to secure a balance of public speakers. The public participation is not to be a part of the debate but merely fact giving and answering questions in the same manner as the councillor with the prejudicial interest” .
From Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Hurry -- to complete on line
Must be completed and submitted by 16 October please
Priors Field Surgery Sutton update
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System
Next steps for future of Priors Field Surgery, Sutton
Latest newsletter
Play Project, Neighbourhood Plan, Councillor Vacancy, Headstones and more
Works on Recreation Ground - Play
Works expected to commence 25 September. Recreation Ground/Village Green facilities closed to public until work completed
Parish Councillor Vacancy
No requests for info - deadlines extended
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Update on recent meetings
The Survey is nearly ready, everyone encouraged to complete it when it arrives after holidays in September. See attached
Cemetery Headstone Tests
Tel 01353 778147
or speak to your local parish councillor who will pass your concerns/enquiry on to the Council
Witcham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Witcham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Next meeting: Tuesday 27 June 2023 at 7.45pm in Witcham Village Hall
Update on survey and feedback on consultation session held Saturday 10 June 2023 at Witcham Village Hall
Notes of latest meeting posted on noticeboard at bus shelter
Contact members for further details or drop in on the 27th.
Judging is about to start!
Contact Julie Bibby 01353 777267 for details and to register your interest in entering
New Classes, - see News tab for full details
Judging is about to start!
Contact Julie Bibby 01353 777267 for details and to register your interest in entering
New Classes, - see News tab for full details
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Parish Councillor Vacancy to be filled by Co-option - July 2023
Neighbourhood Plan UPDATE
The 2011 Localism Act introduced Neighbourhood Planning; an important and powerful tool giving communities statutory powers to shape how their communities develop and grow. Your chance to have a say over where new homes, businesses, facilities are built and what new buildings should look like. Maybe you want to protect and enhance specific areas of the village?
Read more........ see below
Annual Parish Meeting
REMINDER - Annual Meeting of the Parish at the Village Hall, Witcham at 7.30pm All welcome
Copy of Annual Report from your County and District Councillors
Agenda and Minutes - select from Parish Council tab above
2023 Annual Report and Accounts - will be delivered to each household soon. Advance copy on this website under Parish Council tab - choose Reports and Audits
2023 Best Kept Garden Competition
Judging planned for Mid-June 2023
Best Flowers, Best Vegetables
New Classes - Best Childrens, Best Organic and Best Small
To enter the competition this year, please contact Julie Bibby 01353 777267
(answerphone – please leave your name, address and/or telephone number)
2023 Parish Council Elections
Update 2023 Parish Council Elections
Statement as to Persons Nominated
Declaration of Result of Poll Uncontested
2023 Elections
For latest information on 2023 District and Parish Council Elections
Anglian Water New Reservoir Consultation Results
Anglian Water/Cambridge Water Company - New Reservoir Consultation Results
Priors Field Surgery Sutton update
Interim arrangements for GP services
District and Parish Council Elections 4 May 2023
Notice of District and Parish Council Elections
Nomination Papers must be delivered to J Hill, returning Officer, East Cambridgeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely on any day including the publication of this notice, but not later than 4pm on 4 April 2023.
Nomination Papers available from East Cambridgeshire District Council
See attached/village noticeboards at crossroads
Closure Priors Field Surgery Sutton
An announcement has been made that the GP Partners at Priors Field Surgery, who currently hold a contract to deliver services at Priors Field Surgery, are taking retirement from the practice and have served notice to terminate their contract.
The practice will close its doors when the contract ends on 31 March 2023.
Arrangements are in hand with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and NHS England to arrange for the patients of Priors Field Surgery to transfer to other local GP practices when the surgery closes. Ie others in the Fenland Group Practice and some for Haddenham and Ely. They are committed to ensuring all patients have access to high quality GP services and care in the future and will provide a smooth transition to patients’ new GP practice. But there are concerns for people who may have problems travelling to these new sites.
At this stage, patients do not need to take any further action. You will soon receive a letter confirming which local GP practice you have been allocated, and details about your transfer.
From now until your registration is complete you will continue to receive GP services from Priors Field Surgery in the same way as you do now.
Where a mobile phone number is held for you which allows the practice to send text messages to you, a text will be sent to confirm that your registration your new practice has been completed.
They appreciate patients may have some concerns about the closure and aim to address these through their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), which can be found on the Fenland Group Practice website
Drop in sessions for Tuesday 7 March and Wednesday 8 March are planned. See surgery website for details or contact the surgery.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has said it is extremely concerned over the announced closure of the GP practice at Priors Field and is ‘urgently looking into’ the issue and District Councillor Lorna Dupre has set up a petition