Parish Council Meeting Agenda 11 October 2023




Members are summoned to attend a Meeting of the

Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 11 October 2023

at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Witcham,

for the purpose of transacting the following business:



To receive and accept any apologies for absence


To receive declarations of interest from Councillors in respect of any items on this agenda in accordance with the Code of Conduct

i) Pecuniary interests

ii) Personal interests

iii) Prejudicial interests (and to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter during public participation).



To note new Dispensations granted: Nil


To receive and note the October monthly reports from County and District Councillors


Public Participation

To allow up to 15 minutes for any members of the public, and Councillors declaring the existence and nature of a prejudicial interest, to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting.

At the close of this item, members of the public will no longer be permitted to address the Council unless invited to do so by the Chairman. (3 minutes each to combined maximum of 15 minutes total for this agenda item (Standing Orders 3f) and 3g))

Chairman to close meeting to public


To approve and sign the minutes of the 27 September 2023 and confirm agenda


Matters arising from previous minutes (for information only)


Finance and General Administration

a) To approve donation to Royal British Legion for wreath for Remembrance Sunday

b) To approve receipts and payments for October 2023 (to follow)

c) To receive and approve quarterly reconciliations and budget to 30 September 2023 (to follow)

d) To review savings accounts (to follow)


Co-Option of Councillor

a) To receive and discuss applications for Parish Councillor vacancy (to follow)

b) To consider applications for filling vacancy by co-option.


Recreation Ground/Bus Shelter and Cemetery Matters

a) To receive monthly report on weekly inspections of play equipment and recreation ground (MH)

b) To receive update following meeting with ECDC Tree Officer (MH/Clerk)

c) To receive request from Ely City Cricket for use of recreation ground for 2024 season (Clerk)

d) To receive update from Play Working Party on progress with installation of phase 1 (LH/KM/MH), including

i) Release dates of funds to be discussed and approved

ii) Timing and arrangements for opening of phase 1 of the project

iii) Signage - content and size etc

iv) Refurbishment of existing fencing, eg powder coating

v) To discuss any other arrangements for finalising project

e) To receive any update on progress of grant application for phase 2 of play project

f) Consider review of Cemetery Fees and Rules (circulated)


Planning Applications

To note the following:

23/01000/TRE 2A The Slade T1 Row of Conifers - Trim back sides to leave approximately 1m overhang with green foliage over gravel access adjacent to property and reduce height down by approximately 5 metres. T2 Goat Willow - Cut back large low right hand limb growing towards 2a by approximately 4 metres. (Tree needs to be viewed from back garden).


Neighbourhood Plan

a) To receive and consider any updates from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group since September meeting.

b) To receive any update from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Lead and Consultant for consideration and discussion in respect of application for further Locality funding for next stage of Neighbourhood Plan (to follow)


Highway and Street Lighting Matters

a) To note any items reported to Highways Authority

b) To receive September speed data (MH)

c) To receive and discuss response from Mepal Parish Council regarding resident’s requests for reducing Mepal Road / Witcham Road 60MPH Speed limit (circulated)


Bury Road Management Plan for Trees and Shrubs

To receive and consider correspondence regarding Parish Council support to renew the Plan from landowner (circulated)


Consultations (circulated)

a) ECDC Licensing Committee: Amendments to current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy

b) CCC Local Highways stakeholders survey – roads and streetlighting

c) ECDC Polling District Review


Correspondence (circulated)

To receive and consider the following items of information/interest and invites:

CAPALC training, Councillor, inspections, planning, CIL etc

NHS Priors Field Surgery Sutton update – contract extended to March 2025

Greater Cambridge Partnership – Making Connections – Congestion Charge

ECDC Rough Sleeper estimate 23/24 November 2023

NALC Bulletins, Newsletters and Events

ECDC press releases

CAPALC Bulletin

TTRO 23-1298 Long Causeway, Coveney


Date of next meeting: 8 November 2023

Note any items for next agenda

To Review Actions


S J Bell


4 October 2023

Applications for Dispensations must be submitted to the Clerk on the application form at least 4 days prior to the meeting.


Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and there is provision for public participation. Details may be obtained from the Clerk or Chairman prior to commencement of the meeting.

If the Council wishes to exclude the public and press from the meeting a resolution in the following terms will be passed:

“It is hereby resolved in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the ( special ) ( confidential ) nature of the business about to be transacted at Agenda Item ( No ) namely ( state subject listed ) it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded from this meeting and they are herewith instructed to withdraw. ( Mr/Mrs/Cllr ………….. ) to be invited to remain.” (as applicable)

Code of Conduct para 12(2) ‘If a Councillor with a prejudicial interest wishes to speak on an agenda item then that interest and intention must be stated immediately after the first item of the Agenda. The public will be allowed a maximum of six speakers who may provide information for up to three minutes only and each person may only speak once. The Chairman will look to secure a balance of public speakers. The public participation is not to be a part of the debate but merely fact giving and answering questions in the same manner as the councillor with the prejudicial interest” .